Words + Images

The best roll of film on the most gorgeous couple.

In October 2017 I exposed one of the most perfect rolls of film that has ever been exposed. And I did it with this most gorgeous and besotted couple.

Recently, while sorting through old photos I re-discovered these images and I’m blown away. I shot this on a 1960’s square format Rolleiflex camera which takes 12 photos on a roll of film. Of those 12 shots, 11 are drop-dead-gorgeous-print-them-out-big-and-stick-them-on-a-wall photos. For the non-photographers: this is unheard of. Usually you see the highlight images, but trust me, us photographers are usually shooting dozens of photos to get one killer shot.


These enchanting lovers were married 3 months after this photo session and they now have two giggling kiddlets. chef’s kiss

Adam Hyman